#1 Rated Mobile Golf Cart
Service in All of Central Florida!
Call or Text: (321) 304-9989
Email: sean@extremegolfcartservice.com

The Extreme Team is a group of elite small business owners who are like-minded and goal driven with exceptional skills!
The members of the Extreme Team are continuously noted for providing top notch quality and customer service!
The team members are listed below. Just click the button next to their business to request more information or schedule an appointment. Thank you!

Golf cart upgrades and accesories
Service, repairs, and maintenance
Custom built golf carts
Owner/CEO - Sean Courterier
(321) 304-9989

Hurst Team Custom Golf Cart Rentals
Owner/CEO - Bill Hurst
(615) 438-2048

Danny's Digital Solutions
TV Mounting
Cable Management
Home/Business Network Installs/Upgrades
Home/Business Security Installs/Upgrades
Smart Home Installs/Upgrades
Owner/CEO - Danny Esquivel
(407) 925-7145

Dryer Duct Cleaning, Inspections, Repairs/Rerouting
Code Compliance, and Fire Hazard Detection/Removal
Magnetic Wall Vent Installation
Owner/CEO - Michael Schumaker
(817) 682-2412
TS Portfolio
Accent Walls
Crown Moulding
Custom Wainscoting
Owner/CEO - Tim Shirah
(504) 669-5465